Photograph by permission of friends & whānau

Photograph by permission of friends & whānau

 Sensory Profile

Sensory Profile provides questionnaires to parents and teachers for evaluating your pēpi / baby, tamariki / child’s sensory processing patterns in the context of everyday life. This information can help to determine how your tamariki / child’s sensory processing may be supporting or hindering their participation in everyday life.

This assessment is usually part of a wider assessment.

Sensory Activities across the Brain Regions


Timers, Metronomes, Craft, Music, Auditory Therapies, Visual Schedules, Communication Boards, Social Stories, Visual Timers


 First – Then, Organisation Help, Parallel Games, Lots of High Interest with a Just Right Stress Component, Massage, Sensory (tactile) Bins, Physical Classroom supports – Stretchy Bands on Chairs, Tennis Balls on Chairs, weighted vest  


Fine Motor Games, Feeding Intervention, Sleep Intervention – weighted items, routines, melatonin, Auditory Therapies, Therapressure Programme, Individual Sports


 Rhythmic, Relational, Repetitive, Repetitive, Repetitive, Simple – Non Arousing Activities, Vision Exercises, Oral Motor Exercises, Lycra Swaddle and Play, Rhythmic Swinging and Gross Motor Games 

(Perry, 2002)

Photograph by permission of friends & whānau


All Sensory Supplies are made or ‘upcycled’ to provide items at affordable prices

Caution is needed with all pēpi and tamariki when using Sensory Items. Never leave pēpi or tamariki unattended while using Sensory Supplies.

All Sensory Supplies should be ‘prescribed’ by your occupational therapist.

Hip huggers are shorts for babies and toddlers who have low muscle tone and more than normal hip abduction.  The shorts limit hip abduction and “w” sitting while allowing movement.  Hip huggers are designed to be worn in small doses – up to 30 minutes twice a day and not as sleepwear.

Please consult your physiotherapist.

Cost $15 plus P&P

Weighted toys

Upcycled soft toys weighted for proprioceptive activities that provide intensive input to the muscles and joints. They also provide deep or firm pressure that can support our sensory seeking toddlers to feel calm.

Cost from $15 plus P&P

Weighted Vests

Cost from $30 plus P&P

Silky Parachute

Cost from $25 plus P&P

For purchases contact us via our CONTACT US page

Silky parachute in sensory play

Hip Huggers

Dorothy Dog

 Upcycled Weighted Toys - one offs - new designs come available all the time

Individulally priced depending on size - proceeds put towards the “sliding scale” rates to help whānau.

Weighty Friends Picture Gallery

  • Dorothy Dog

    Dorothy Dog is one of our small (approx. 30cm in length) weighty friends who loves to play.

    $15 plus P&P

  • Gregory Gorilla

    Gregory Gorilla is one of our larger (approx. 60cm in length) friends. He is very cuddly

    $20 plus P&P

  • Bella Bunny

    Bella Bunny is a small (approx. 30 cm in length) and cute friend who loves to hop.

    $15 plus P&P

  • Henry Hippo

    Henry Hippo is a small (approx. 26 cm in length) wheat bag, good for weight and gentle soothing heat. Henry is a snuggle!

    $15 plus P&P

  • Benny Bunny

    Benny Bunny is a big (approx. 40cm in length), soft, cuddly, cute bunny. He loves cuddles and snuggles!

    $20 plus P&P

  • George Bear

    George Bear is a small (approx. 26cm in length) but mighty bear. He is just waiting to be a weighty friend!

    $12 plus P&P

  • Bitsy Bear

    Bitsy Bear is a itsy bitsey, slighty beanie, but never weenie bear. (approx. 20cm in length)

    $10 plus P&P


The people we serve are experts by experience

Photograph by permission of friends & whānau