Meet Us . . .
We have worked together for 18 years working clinically with whānau and their pēpi and young tamariki.
Ko Sarah Haskell tōku ingoa
Nō England ōku tipuna
He kaiwhakaora Ngangahau ahau
I am Sarah, I originate from England where I trained as an Occupational Therapist (DipCOT - NZROT). I have a Master of Science Degree in Occupational Therapy and a Master’s Degree in Infant Mental Health.
I am an accredited trainer in the Parent Child Interaction Programs – Feeding and Teaching Scales.
I am certified/accredited in Circle of Security Parenting, Newborn Behavioural Observation system, Watch, Wait & Wonder intervention, Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics (NMT), Neurosequential Model of Reflection & Supervision,Triple P – Positive Parenting Programme, and trained in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) for children & teenagers, Family Therapy, Solution Focus Therapy, and Trauma Informed Care.
Ko Heidi Pace ahau
Nō America ōku tīpuna
He Kaiwhakamahereora Hinengaro
I am Heidi, I originate from USA, and have lived and worked in Columbia, USA and Aotearoa.
I gained a master’s degree in Counselling Psychology, specialising in cross-cultural counselling, followed by a fellowship in Infant Parent Mental Health University of Massachusetts Napa Programme.
I am an accredited trainer in the Parent Child Interaction Programs – Feeding and Teaching Scales.
I am certified/accredited in Newborn Behavioural Observation system, Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics (NMT), Neurosequential Model of Reflection & Supervision, Triple P – Positive Parenting Programme, and trained in Facilitating Attuned Interactions (FAN), Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) for children & teenagers, Family Therapy, and Trauma Informed Care.
The people we serve are experts by experience